Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Guangzhou TV Tower

Today, architecture has changed significantly; no longer is a building a simple structure on the urban landscape; it now has something that makes it stand out: texture. Gone are the days when people only waited for the tallest building. Architecture continues to challenge its boundaries, giving us new types of structures that are appealing inside and out. Here are some of the most interesting structures—or wonders—of the world.

Guangzhou TV Tower, the tallest tower in the world. Built in 2005-2010 by Arup for the Asian Games in 2010.

The tower is 610 meters high. For the height of 450 meters from the tower was built a combination of illuminated retina bring hyperboloid with the central core.

Article: http://www.journeyetc.com/articles/guangzhou-tv-tower/
Photo: http://www.triplexdreams.co.cc/2011/02/rainbow-tower-tower-of-worlds-highest.html

10 Best Diving Place

More than any other attraction in the world, nature entices major part of tourism industry. And why not? An evening spent on a gorgeous beach with multihued dusk is always preferable and beautiful than hotel in the world. Not necessarily a beach. It could be anything like a dazzling bay, profound river, sturdy mountain, sweltering sun, clear azure sky, or abundant wildlife.

However, if you are one of those who love water boarding, diving or swimming, you should certainly know about various places on earth where you can enjoy these activities enormously. Diving at the top ten destinations of world is something that you cannot afford to miss. Hence, here is the list of ten best diving destination around the world with a brief note on each. If you intend to go to any or all the destinations, information can be found everywhere on the internet.

1. The Bahamas, Western Atlantic

The archipelago of Bahamas encompasses 700 islands with over 100,000 sq miles of Western Atlantic Ocean. Most part of the water around these islands isn’t deeper than 20 feet because this region was formed when neighboring plateaus sunk. However, this place is also characterized by “the tongue of the ocean”, a deep trench in the plateaus.

Being covered with water and remarkable panoramas, The Bahamas is an ideal place for adventurers. You can opt to go for an all-inclusive tour package with includes transportation, housing, food, and adventures especially diving. If you intend to visit Bahamas for diving, you cannot afford to miss diving around Cat Island, Inagua, San Salvador, Abacos, Biminis, Eleuthera and Abacos.

2. Papua New Guinea, Bismarck Sea

Being a confluence of three major seas i.e. Coral Sea, Solomon Sean, and the Bismarck Sea, the Papua New Guinea isaffluent in marine flora and fauna. The shoreline of this location is enveloped with coarse crests and crags embellishing it into a scenic and idyllic location for diving.

Varieties of options are available to explore the geography, biology, and history of this place. You can embark on a water boat to explore the deep resources of the seas. Or you can opt to stay back on the island and indulge in land-based diving adventures. The best way is to charter a private boat and explore the area with your itinerary. To have an unforgettable diving experience, you shold not forget to visit Kavieng, Rabaul, Madang, and Kimble Bay.

3. Galapagos Islands

Yet another heaven for scuba divers is the archipelago of Galapagos Islands. The water here is heaving with a broad assortment of marine creatures and exigent geological features. However, it’s not advisable to dive without the expert advice of tour operators of local guide due to couple of reasons. Firstly, the area has a mixture of places for various diving levels, hence diving at any location is a risk. Secondly, tour operators will provide you with ideal diving gears for ever-changing temperature here.

This location is also quite suitable for night diving due to the presence of clear water here. It’s not difficult to identify the color of a fish whirling 20 meters below you. However, to enjoy diving here, you must learn how to tackle water creatures effectively.

4. Rangiroa, Polynesia

The complicated arrangement of islands in Rangiroa attracts several species of sea creatures and divers. You can witness majority of these species available in French Polynesia from two chief diving spots near lagoon Paio Motu – Tiputa Pass and Ava Turo. It’s a pleasurable diving experience throughout the yar due to the favorable water temperature. It’s around 80F in summer months and 70F in winter.

If you intend to watch the numerous sharks, dolphins, jack fishes, and manta rays, you have to take a boat dive till the base at 80 feet. Do not stay in deep water for more than 45 minutes at a stretch.

5. River Mayo, Mexico

Positioned parallel to the Caribbean shoreline, River Mayo or Mayan Rivera is definitely a panoramic view while driving on Highway 400. More beautiful is the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System that lies along the coast of Rivera. If you are a proficient diver, you can reward yourself by diving in the several sinkholes collapses or carbonate underwater caverns formed due to mixture of saline and fresh water.

This river also encompasses two longest caverns of earth namely Ox Bel Ha and Sac Actun, both of them being enormously rich in marine creatures with few rare ones found only in this region. However, this river doesn’t disappoint novice divers as they can snorkel in the reefs of Tulum and Playa del Dos Ojos.

6. Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Welcome to the largest reef system on earth that spreads over 2,600 kilometers of Coral Sea. If you don’t know much about Great Barrier Reef, you will be astonished to learn that this reef comprises of 900 islands and over 2,900 reefs. Diving amid several gorgeous marine creature is certainly a pleasurable experience and quite more than worthy. There are various endangered species deep in the water. Do not forget to do the obligatory paperwork, preparation, and planning before plunging 

7. Little Cayman, British West Indies

If there’s a place that conserves maximum number of rare species of marine creatures, it’s the Little Cayman Islands. However, the best time to visit this place, if you are a diver, is amid June and August, when water temperature is favorable and the visibility is clear as water then is quite calm. Moving toward the northern part of this isle is quite enthralling. It’s a good spot for divers and non-divers can spend time in the marine park elegantly built here. Sailing through boat here offers quite a beautiful panorama. However, don’t anchor around, it’s not permitted.

If you are searching a place for wall dive, you can find the Bloody Bay Wall toward the northwestern region of this isle. Here, you can dive in over 3000 feet deep and witness the unmatched, undisturbed life of ocean from a distance of 100 feet. For Big Blue lovers, you cannot afford to miss Jackson’s Bay. However, the other creatures you will find here are Eagle Rays, Sting Rays, Turtles, Nurse Sharks, and Gray Reef Sharks.

8. Bonaire

A paradise for underwater photographers, Bonaire offer crystal-clear water with clear visibility up to 150 feet deep. Endowed with a geological gift, this is an ideal location for marine creatures and shrubs to thrive. And such locations are obviously a treat for divers. There are several marine parks crammed with vivid creatures and fauna making it a perfect vacationing spot.

9. Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands

While sailing from Australia to Honolulu, you will immediately spot a bunch of 36 islands known as Marshall Islands. Bikini Atoll, positioned in the midst of Micronesian islands of Pacific Ocean, is a part of Marshall Islands. A person with a combined interest in diving and archeology is an ideal visitor of this place because this water has swallowed many ships in mid 19th century. Among the famous one sunk here are Japanese Nagato and USS Saratoga. This was also a renowned nuclear testing area in 1950’s.

Today, Bikini Atoll is considered to be a celebrated spot for swimming, diving, snorkeling, and various other water adventures. Though you wouldn’t find much of human population here due to the fear of nuclear radiations, the species of fishes are abundant. This is an emerging destination for divers. However, not many have dived in this water due to the exaggerated diving fees of $5000 for a week.

10. British Columbia, Canada

Best among all, the underwater area of British Colombia has probably the lasgert variety of fishes and other amine creatures on Earth. While diving, you can easily spot Dungeness crabs, lingcod, massive octopuses, sea lions, Orca Whales, huge prawns, and other 5000 species of invertebrates plus multicolored fishes of over 400 species.

Divers should know that British Colombia, along with largest variety of fishes, is also know to be frequently struck by strongest currents on Earth. However, when the water is calm, it’s a perfect diving destination with around pleasurable 40 degrees of temperature. Garnishing the beauty of British Colombia, colorful algae can be seen near Vancouver Island.

Now, there are many other famous diving sites like Bunaken in Indonesia, Gozo in Mediterranean Sea, Stoney Cove in England, etc. but readers need to understand that I can jot down just 10 sites in the world if the list says “top 10.” However, none can suggest places better than these 10. Maybe your’s is 11th, 12th,…

Photo: http://kamarsolusi.com/2011/01/31/pict-10-tempat-diving-terbaik-di-dunia/
Article: http://www.travelfront.com/top-10-diving-places-in-the-world/

9 Coolest Phone in the World

1.Nokia 888 Communicator

Nokia definitely has the most interesting concept phones. Nokia 888 Communicator is a striking futuristic concept phone. The phone, which uses liquid batteries, speech recognition, flexible touchscreen and touch-sensitive body cover,is designed by Tamer Nakisci and won the Nokia Design Award. We also have a video presentation made by Nokia.

2. Nokia Aeon

Nokia Aeon was presented by Nokia on their website in the Research & Development section. What is so great about this phone is that it looks like it will actually go into production next February. Of course, its just a rumor, but still, makes us hope to actually see it someday in the GSM shop. All we know about it for now is that its a touchscreen phone and it looks fantastic.

3.Sky "Sleak & Slim"

"Sleek & Slim" from SKY is another concept based on touchscreen technology. The phone has a discretely glowing touchpad, hideaway keys and generally utterly-fashionable minimalist design.

4.Benq-Siemens "Snaked"

Benq designers thought of women too and presented Snaked. This is a "reptile" looking phone, creepy somehow, but still is very cool. The Snaked is a fashion phone for sport loving women, because it also has body monitoring sensors to help the ladies keep those fine shapes.

5. "What You See Is What You Get" Concept

One thing is for sure about this concept phone...they could've named it shorter. Designed by Pei-Hua Hang, the phone's name comes from the fact that this concept no longer uses an LCD as viewfinder for the digital camera, instead it uses a transparent frame. And of course, interaction is made through a touchscreen.

6. Retroxis by Dark Label

If most phones presented here will never be sold in store for sure, the Retroxis concept phone from Dark Label looks kinda human, and makes us hope we'll be able to get one of these one day. Designed by Lim Sze Tat the phone is encased in high polished polycarbonate renowned for its lightweight and toughness and has an invisible OLED display that silently hides away when inactive.

7. Benq-Siemens Black Box

Black Box designed by Benq-Siemens uses a touch screen as its keypad and, depending on the functions you are using, the touch screen changes the control layout immediately.

8. NEC Tag

Somehow similar to the Snaked concept, the NEC Tag is a flexible phone concept that can be , for example, hung from a belt or wrapped around the userĂ¢€™s arm. Interesting is that the phone has shape-memorizing material and sensors that allows the phone to change its shape according to the mode.

9. TripleWatch

Though the idea of a cellphone watch is not so new, the TripleWatch designed by Manon Maneenawa has an interesting triple flip technique that allows the user to transform the watch into a normal cellphone. When used as a wrist watch, the phone has a speaker button that allows the user to answer the phone and hang up while driving.

10. Asus Aura

Reference: http://gatgetphone.blogspot.com/2010/12/9-gesofistikeerde-selfoon.html

Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

Day 3

Like yesterday I wake up at 5 AM...
And take breakfast at 6...
But today there's no Ms Jenny...
We eat quickly so we can pack our stuff...
Today is the last day at Bandung and we want to check out...
Our baggage directly sent to the airport...
From the hotel we go to Primarasa...
They are famous for brownies like Amanda in Surabaya...
I buy for my family, grandmother, and aunt...

Then we go to Saung Udjo...
When entering it we get a necklace that looks like Angklung...
That necklace is like our ticket in...
In Saung Udjo we can see kids performing..
They dance, play Angklung and play other music instrument..
We also learn how to play angklung there and how to make one...

Kids playing Angklung

From Saung Udjo we go directly to Jakarta...
Before going to the airport we eat first..
In the restaurant there a park so some of us play there...
In the way from Saung Udjo untill the restaurant many of us went to sleep...
Yesterday was very exhausting...

After eating we went to the airport..
Since I'm in the first group I didn't have to wait to long...
When going back to Surabaya many of my friend ear hurt..
But overall it's still ok...
Some of my friend baggage is lost to and they have to wait until saturday...
lucky mine doesn't have any problem...
Well that's all about my trip...

Day 2

I woke up at 5 AM....
My roommate Kezia wake up more early than me...
When I wake up she already prepare...
So I take a bath and prepare...
Then both of us go to and take breakfast...
We meet Ms Jenny there...
The other is still in their room...
We went down and take our breakfast at 6 AM ...
I drank hot tea and eat porridge...
Then Janet and Janice come and eat with us...
Then we ask permission to went back to our room to take our bag and went back to the lobby waiting for the others to finish their breakfast..
Amaris Hotel Lobby
Breakfast table

We depart from hotel approximately around 7.30...
We are heading to museum KAA (Conference Asia Africa)....
It is located at Asia Africa street...
Becide KAA museum there many old building...
One of them is been turn into a hotel..
After arriving there we gathered at the meeting hall where everybody listen to Mr Soearno there...
The tour guide tell us about the history of KAA...
He said that the chair that we seat at is been seated by important people....
There a replica of the KAA room...
Picture of people who come and give speech in KAA...
Things that being use for the conference..

Lobby of KAA museum
Replica of the conference room
Gong that been use in the conference (Real)
Typing machine that been use in the conference
Information in the museum
Chair at the conference room

We are so lucky that beside the KAA museum there exhibition about Garuda Pancasila....
There statue of the bird...
And the history of Garuda Pancasila...

One of the statue in Garuda Pancasila exhibition

After going around the museum we went to a distro...
One group go to one distro...
In there we interview the person in charge for economi project..
The tour give us voucher for shopping to..
The distro was blackjack, geckoland, beatbox, and the other one I forget...
I plan to buy a jacket there but none of them really fit to me..
So I decide to buy a wallet..
After shopping we went to Pagoda resto for lunch...
Many of us decide to continue shopping and not eating,,,
But the food there is very delicious...
Beat Box logo
Beatbox shop

We continue to go to museum of geology...
The security there is very tight...
We didn't allow to bring bag inside the museum...
First we gather in the hall...
The tour guide explain part of the room...
Both the first and second floor is divided into 3 part of the room...
First floor: orientation room in the middle, west wing, and east wing...
In the orientation room there is a big map of Indonesia...
The tour guide explain here...
In the west wing it tell us the geology of Indonesia...
There is informarion about the making of earth, human fossil and evolution theory by Darwin, and movement of plate....
The east wing like to be called as history of life...
It give us picture about the development of living things....
From primitive into modern...
Second floor: middle, west, and east room
Then we go to the theater room...
We watch movie about geology there then we start exploring the museum...

Geology Museum building
One of the exhibit

After going to the museum we went shopping at Rumah Mode..
This shop is very popular..
I can see many bus park there...
This shop is full of cloth...
From boys till girls...
It's very stylish too...
Well, I hate shopping so I do nothing there...
Shopping make me feel sleepy...
And if it crowd it can make me dizzy...

Then we go to C59...
C59 is a clothing factory...
It's a very popular brand..
First we gather at a hall and the tour guide explain about the history of C59...
We listen while drinking tea that have been provided by the factory...
After finish we go around the factory...
See what is the process to make cloth...
Then we see the sale...
They give us special price..
Buy 3 Rp 100.000,00...
C59 logo
Giving the cloth color
Press so the color stay in the cloth
Tidy the sewing
Fold the cloth
Packaging the cloth
After C59 we went shopping again....
This time is in Paris van Java...
This is the bigggest mall in Bandung...
For me this mall is the best mall...
All shop there are branded shop...
And I think it's complete to...
In there I have dinner with my friend, Kezia...
Then we go to MU bar....
We go there because my friend Kezia is a big fan of MU..
So she took some picture and wait for her friend who live at Bandung...
They talk a lot and I just listen...
Then we go back to the bus...
I though we were the last but there are others that late...
I tried to call them but they couldn't be reach...
The other bus is already complete and they go back to the hotel..
After all is complete we go back to hotel and take some rest...
What a exhausting day!!!!